Laser Raman Imaging System (LRIS)

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  Facility Details  

Make : Renishaw, UK
Model : Invia Reflex
Specification :   Spectrograph equipped with a research-grade microscope capable of producing Raman
      (wavenumber transfer 50 to 4000 cm-1) and PL (330 nm to 1.6 microns).

    Spectral Range of spectrometer: 200 nm – 1600 nm

    Excitation sources-
Laser availableHeCd 325 nmDiode 532 nmHeNe 633 nmDiode 830 nm
Power>25 mW>50 mW>17 mW>200 mW
Spectral resolution (FWHM)2 cm-1 with 2400 gr/mm0.5 cm-1 with 2400 gr/mm1 cm-1 with 1800 gr/mm0.75 cm-1 with 1200 gr/mm
PL330 nm to 1600 nm

    Microscope Objective- Normal WD-5X,20X,100X
               Long WD-50X
               NUV-15X & 40X

    Imaging/Mapping- XYZ motorized and computer-controlled mapping stage with a minimum travel distance of 110x75x25 mm with a resolution of
      50x50x10 nm. Scanning step size for 2D mapping is better than 50 nm.

    Temperature- 10 to 300 K (CCR), Room temperature to 1500 K (Furnace)

    Libraries- Inorganic and minerals, polymeric materials, biochemical.

    Other capabilities- Low wavenumber measurements (down to 15cm-1 with 532 nm laser), polarization study with 532 nm laser, remote probe fibre       coupling with 532 nm laser.

   Working Principle   

The Raman effect is based on scattering of light, which includes both elastic (Rayleigh) scattering at the same wavelength as the incident light, and inelastic (Raman) scattering at different wavelengths, due to molecular vibrations. Raman scattering is about a million times less intense than Rayleigh scattering. Therefore, to obtain Raman spectra, it is necessary to prevent Rayleigh scattering from overpowering the weaker Raman scattering.

Raman spectra are measured by exciting a sample using a high-intensity laser beam, with the resulting scattered light being passed through a spectrometer. The Raman shift is the energy difference between the incident light and the scattered light. In the resulting spectrum, the vertical axis is the intensity of the scattered light and the horizontal axis is the wavenumber of the Raman shift (cm-1).

The Raman shift is associated with two different energy bands. The shift at wavelengths higher than that of the incident light is termed Stokes scattering. The shift at wavelengths lower than that of the incident light is termed anti-Stokes scattering. Stokes scattering is observed in the lower wavenumber (longer wavelength) region and anti-Stokes scattering in the higher wavenumber (shorter wavelength) region. Typically, higher-intensity Stokes scattering peaks are used for analysis.


     Pharmaceuticals and Cosmetics
     Geology and Mineralogy
     Carbon Materials
     Life Sciences
     Polymer science
     LRS Lab, 1st Floor,
     CRNTS/SAIF, IIT Bombay

      Prof. Anil Kottantharayil
      Contact : 022-25767438
      Email Id :

  Technical Staff   
      Dr. Mayuri Gandhi
      CRNTS/SAIF IIT Bombay
      Contact : 022-2159 6899
      Email Id :,,

 Laser Raman Imaging System Charges (18% GST will be applicable on below specified charges for external users) 

IndustryUniversityNational Lab/R&D'sIIT Bombay Users
Raman Analysis1800/-600/-1200/-300/-Per Sample
T-dependent studies (cryostat 10 to 300 K)† 6000/-1200/-3000/-600/-Per Slot
T-dependent studies (furnace 300 to 1500 K) 4500/-800/-2250/-400/-Per Slot
Specialized measurements (measurements up to 15 cm-1, polarization measurements) 4000/-800/-1600/-400/-Per Slot
Raman Analysis (Imaging/mapping) 5000/-1000/-2000/-500/-Per Slot
(1 hr 30 min)
† subject to revision based on cost incurred